The Mysterious Case of GTM on iOS Keeping Events Sent to Appsflyer after Removing Integration
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The Mysterious Case of GTM on iOS Keeping Events Sent to Appsflyer after Removing Integration

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Are you frustrated with Google Tag Manager (GTM) on iOS persistently sending events to Appsflyer even after you’ve removed the integration? You’re not alone! Many developers and marketers have faced this issue, and it’s time to put an end to it. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide you with a step-by-step guide to resolve the issue once and for all.

Why is GTM on iOS still sending events to Appsflyer?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand the possible reasons behind this issue:

  • Cached data**: GTM on iOS might be caching the Appsflyer integration data, causing it to send events even after removal.
  • Residual code**: Leftover code from the previous integration might still be present in your iOS app, triggering events to Appsflyer.
  • Incomplete removal**: The Appsflyer integration might not have been completely removed from your GTM container or iOS app, leading to the persistence of event sending.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve the Issue

Follow these instructions to ensure GTM on iOS stops sending events to Appsflyer:

Step 1: Verify the Appsflyer Integration Removal

Double-check that you’ve removed the Appsflyer integration from your GTM container:

  1. Log in to your GTM account and navigate to the container where the Appsflyer integration was set up.
  2. Click on the “Tags” tab and search for any tags related to Appsflyer.
  3. Remove all Appsflyer-related tags and triggers.
  4. Save and publish the changes.

Step 2: Clear GTM Cache on iOS

Clear the GTM cache on your iOS app to ensure any cached data is removed:

// Swift

// Objective-C
[[GTMDebugLogger sharedInstance] clearCache];

Add the above code to your iOS app and run it to clear the GTM cache.

Step 3: Remove Residual Code

Use the following commands to search for Appsflyer-related code in your project:

// Search for Appsflyer imports
grep -r "AppsFlyerTracker" *.swift

// Search for Appsflyer method calls
grep -r "AppsFlyerTracker.startTracking" *.swift

Remove any code related to Appsflyer, including imports, method calls, and variables.

Step 4: Update Your GTM Container

Update your GTM container to ensure the changes are reflected in your iOS app:

Log in to your GTM account and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Versions” tab in your GTM container.
  2. Click on the “New” button to create a new version.
  3. Publish the new version.
  4. Ensure the new version is live by checking the “Container” tab.

Step 5: Verify Event Sending

Verify that GTM on iOS is no longer sending events to Appsflyer:

In your Appsflyer dashboard, navigate to the “Events” tab and check for any recent events sent from your iOS app. If you still see events being sent, repeat the steps above and ensure that all residual code has been removed.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still facing issues, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Check for multiple GTM containers**: Ensure you’ve removed the Appsflyer integration from all GTM containers linked to your iOS app.
  • Verify iOS app version**: Make sure you’ve updated your iOS app to the latest version that includes the removed Appsflyer integration.
  • Check for conflicting integrations**: If you’ve integrated other analytics platforms with GTM, ensure they’re not causing conflicts with the removed Appsflyer integration.


Removing an integration can sometimes be more complicated than setting it up. However, by following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue of GTM on iOS keeping events sent to Appsflyer after removing the integration.

Remember to double-check every step, and if you’re still facing issues, consider reaching out to the GTM or Appsflyer support teams for further assistance.

Step Description
1 Verify Appsflyer integration removal from GTM container
2 Clear GTM cache on iOS
3 Remove residual code from iOS app
4 Update GTM container
5 Verify event sending

By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the issue and ensure a smooth analytics setup for your iOS app.

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, iOS app developers! Are you experiencing some weird issues with Google Tag Manager (GTM) on iOS, where events are still being sent to Appsflyer even after removing the integration? Well, you’re not alone! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions right here.

Why is GTM on iOS still sending events to Appsflyer after removing the integration?

This is likely due to a caching issue. When you remove the integration, the GTM container might still be cached on the user’s device, causing events to be sent to Appsflyer. To resolve this, try updating your app or manually clearing the app’s cache.

Can I use a flag in the GTM container to stop sending events to Appsflyer?

Yes, you can! Create a flag in your GTM container and set it to false. This will prevent events from being sent to Appsflyer. Just make sure to update your container and publish the changes.

How do I completely remove the Appsflyer integration from my GTM container?

To completely remove the integration, go to your GTM container, navigate to the ‘Tags’ section, and delete the Appsflyer tag. Then, go to the ‘Triggers’ section and delete any triggers associated with the Appsflyer tag. Finally, update and publish your container.

Will uninstalling and reinstalling the app resolve the issue?

Yes, uninstalling and reinstalling the app will likely resolve the issue. This will remove any cached data, including the GTM container, and prevent events from being sent to Appsflyer.

How long does it take for the changes to take effect after removing the Appsflyer integration?

The time it takes for the changes to take effect depends on various factors, such as the app’s caching mechanism and the user’s behavior. However, in most cases, the changes should take effect within a few hours or at most, a few days.

I hope these Q&As helped you resolve the issue with GTM on iOS sending events to Appsflyer after removing the integration!