How to use updateTransform to do something every frame/render WITHOUT moving the sprite? (or is there a better callback?) (Using ReactPixi)
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How to use updateTransform to do something every frame/render WITHOUT moving the sprite? (or is there a better callback?) (Using ReactPixi)

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Are you tired of searching for the perfect way to perform an action every frame or render in ReactPixi without moving your sprite? Well, buckle up, friend, because today we’re going to dive into the world of updateTransform and explore the best practices for achieving this feat!

What is updateTransform, and why do I need it?

updateTransform is a method provided by Pixi.js, the graphics engine behind ReactPixi, that allows you to perform transformations on a display object (like a sprite) every time the stage is rendered. But, you might ask, why do I need to update the transform if I’m not moving the sprite?

The answer lies in the realm of optimization. When you update the transform of a display object, Pixi.js re-calculates its matrix, which can be resource-intensive. By using updateTransform wisely, you can reduce the number of unnecessary calculations and improve the performance of your game or application.

When to use updateTransform

So, when should you use updateTransform? Here are some scenarios:

  • You want to perform an action every frame, but you don’t want to move the sprite (e.g., updating a timer, checking for collisions, or processing user input).
  • You need to update a sprite’s properties (like scale, rotation, or alpha) without changing its position.
  • You’re using a custom render function and need to perform some calculations before rendering.

How to use updateTransform effectively

Now that we’ve established the importance of updateTransform, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how to use it effectively. Here’s an example code snippet to get you started:

import React, { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Stage, Sprite } from '@inlet/react-pixi';

function MyComponent() {
  const spriteRef = useRef(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    spriteRef.current.updateTransform = () => {
      // perform your action every frame/render here
      console.log('updateTransform called!');
  }, []);

  return (

In this example, we’re using the useRef hook to create a reference to the sprite element, and the useEffect hook to set the updateTransform method on the sprite. The updateTransform method will be called every time the stage is rendered, allowing you to perform your desired action.

Best practices for updateTransform

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using updateTransform:

  • Keep it lightweight: Remember that updateTransform is called every frame, so keep your code concise and efficient to avoid performance issues.
  • Use it sparingly: Only use updateTransform when necessary, as it can still cause performance degradation if overused.
  • Avoid recursive functions: Be cautious when using recursive functions within updateTransform, as they can lead to infinite loops and crashes.
  • Don’t update state: Avoid updating state or props within updateTransform, as it can cause unintended side effects.

Alternatives to updateTransform

While updateTransform is a powerful tool, there are situations where it might not be the best choice. Here are some alternatives to consider:


useFrame is a hook provided by ReactPixi that allows you to perform an action every frame, similar to updateTransform. Here’s an example:

import { useFrame } from '@inlet/react-pixi';

function MyComponent() {
  useFrame(() => {
    // perform your action every frame here
    console.log('useFrame called!');

  return (

useFrame is a more concise and React-way of performing actions every frame. However, it’s only available in ReactPixi 4.0 and later versions.

Custom render functions

If you need more control over the rendering process, you can create a custom render function using Pixi.js’s built-in rendering pipeline. This approach requires more advanced knowledge of Pixi.js, but provides unparalleled flexibility.

import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js';

function MyComponent() {
  const renderer = PIXI.RendererautoDetect(1);

  function customRender() {
    // perform your action every frame here
    console.log('customRender called!');

  return (


In conclusion, updateTransform is a powerful tool in the ReactPixi arsenal, allowing you to perform actions every frame or render without moving the sprite. By following the best practices and alternatives outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex tasks in your game or application.

Remember, optimization is key, and using updateTransform wisely can make all the difference in the performance of your project. So, go ahead, experiment, and find the perfect approach for your unique use case!

Callback Description Use Case
updateTransform Called every time the stage is rendered Perform an action every frame/render without moving the sprite
useFrame Called every frame, similar to updateTransform Perform an action every frame, alternative to updateTransform
Custom render function Called every frame, allows for custom rendering pipeline Custom rendering pipeline, advanced use cases

Now, go forth and conquer the world of ReactPixi with your newfound knowledge of updateTransform!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to use updateTransform to do something every frame/render without moving the sprite in ReactPixi!

What is the purpose of the updateTransform method in ReactPixi?

The updateTransform method is a callback function in ReactPixi that is called every frame, allowing you to perform actions or updates on your sprite without actually moving it. It’s perfect for tasks that need to run continuously, like animations or game logic.

How do I use updateTransform to perform an action every frame without moving the sprite?

To use updateTransform, you need to assign a function to the `updateTransform` property of your sprite. This function will be called every frame, and you can perform your desired action within it. Just remember to return the original transform object to avoid any unwanted changes to the sprite’s position or rotation.

Are there any alternatives to updateTransform for performing actions every frame?

Yes, there are a few alternatives to updateTransform. You can use the `ticker` feature in Pixi.js, which allows you to add custom listeners for specific events, including the rendering of each frame. Additionally, you can use the `requestAnimationFrame` function to create your own custom loop for performing actions every frame.

Can I use updateTransform to animate my sprite?

While updateTransform can be used for animations, it’s not the most efficient way. Pixi.js has built-in support for animations through its `AnimatedSprite` and `MovieClip` classes, which are specifically designed for handling animations. Use these classes for smoother and more efficient animations.

What are some common use cases for updateTransform in ReactPixi?

UpdateTransform is commonly used for tasks like updating game logic, handling user input, or performing physics simulations. It’s also useful for tasks that require continuous updates, such as particle systems or dynamic lighting effects.